About the Science: Dr. Jaak Panksepp
Living One's scientific information and perspective is derived from the inspirational work of American neuroscientist and psychobiologist, Dr. Jaak Panksepp. Dr. Panksepp believed in bringing more understanding to the connection between human and mammalian brains, and he did this by studying the many similarities that lie, specifically, in the system of emotions. Realizing the deep interconnectedness between human and animal emotion systems, Panksepp coined the term affective neuroscience to encapsulate his groundbreaking discoveries. We, at Living One, value Dr. Panksepp's thorough research, so much so, that we've woven that research into the fabric of every tool and experience we create. We share in his desire to teach humans more about the purpose and function of their emotions, so that we can deepen self-understanding, get back to feeling, and positively impact optimal brain development through play, which Panksepp's research showed can have the power to lower rates of anxiety, depression, suicide, and developmental disorders, such as ADHD. By choosing to shift our priorities toward play, tending to human needs, and learning the complex, yet simple, nuances of the emotional wiring of the brain, our society is provided a unique opportunity to begin a new type of nurturing that leads to a more creative, productive, and purposeful way of being, ultimately restructuring the entire path of human development.